Sunday, September 27, 2009

Would Socrates approve of WebQuests?

I think Socrates would approve of WebQuests to an extent. He believed in finding new ways of learning, and learning all we can, but didn't believe in getting caught up in the newest trend. WebQuests are a new-age way of teaching people new things. I think they are very helpful, and a great way to incorporate new technology into learning. I think that Socrates would use WebQuests also, and would find them helpful in teaching and discovering new things.

I believe that my webquest falls under the Retelling Taks category. My students will learn to count to ten, identify certain numbers, and put them in the correct order. After completing the activities, the srudents will show me what they have learned by retelling the information.

1 comment:

  1. You demonstrate a good understanding of how Socrates would have viewed the Internet as a learning tool in the classroom! Well done!
